Product Line:
Advantys STB
Advantys Configuration Software
- Set Rotary wheel to ‘CLEAR IP’
- Power cycle STBNIP2311
- STS LED will start flashing 2 times
- Set Rotary wheel to ‘STORED’
- Power cycle STBNIP2311
- STS LED will start flashing 6 times
- Launch Advantys Configuration Software
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Connection Settings’
- Enter the last two digits of the STBNIP2311 MAC address then press ‘Calculate’
- Notice the ‘New Remote IP’ address then press ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ (Ex;
- Set your laptops network to match the first three octets of the ‘New Remote IP’ address (Ex;
- Connect directly to one of the STBNIP2311 ethernet ports with a crossover cable and disable all security. (Firewall, Anti-virus software)
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Connect’ (Notice at the bottom ‘Island is Healthy’ message)
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Download into Island’ followed by pressing ‘Yes’ to Reset Island
- Press ‘OK’ to place Island to ‘Running State’
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Disconnect’
- Power cycle STBNIP2311
- STB LED will now be ‘Solid’
- Return PC’s IP address back to normal to match the subnet of the Advantys Island
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Connection Settings’
- Enter current new IP address into ‘New Remote IP’ and press ‘OK’
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Connect’ (should get ‘Island is healthy’ message)
- Select ‘Online’ then ‘Disconnect’
- Now Using IE Enter new IP address and the STBNIP2311 web page will display
Publié pour:Schneider Electric Belgium