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What faults are not protected by Fault Inhibition on the ATV61 drive?
What faults are not protected by Fault Inhibition on the ATV61 drive?

Product line:
ATV61, altivar 61


Customer was using Fault Inhibition, but the drive still tripped on SCF5, motor short circuit.


The fault inhibition function will be able to inhibit (not display) the fault detection on the « software » fault.
For the critical, internal or hardware faults, the inhibition function does not work to protect the drive from damage.

The fault list given in the programming manual are the ones that Inhibition will work
  • EnF, InFA, InFb, SOF, SPF, and tnF, APF, CnF, COF, EPF1, EPF2, FCF2, Fd1, LFF2, LFF3, LFF4, nFF, ObF, OHF, OLC, OLF, OPF1, OPF2, OSF, OtF1, OtF2, OtFL, PHF, PtF1, PtF2, PtFL, SLF1, SLF2, SLF3, SPIF, SSF, tJF, ULF and USF  faults can be inhibited and cleared remotely by means of a logic input or control bit ([Fault inhibit assign.] (InH) parameter

All the other critical, internal and hardware faults (SCFx, ILx, INFE, CRFx...) will be always active even with INH (fault inhibition) turned on.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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