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How do you set up an auto manual or HOA function on the ATV61 and ATV71 drives?

Setting up an auto manual or HOA function on the ATV61 and ATV71 drives.

Product Line:
ATV61 and ATV71


HOA is wired so that LI3 will go high for hand control via a speed pot and low for 4 to 20mA speed control via a transducer.


1.6 Command Menu:

ref 1 is AI2 (4 to 20mA)
profile is not separate
ref 2 switching is channel 1 active
ref 2 channel is no

1.7 Application Functions Menu:

ref 1 B switching is LI3 ( when this input is low the drive will follow the AI2 input and when its high the drive will follow the AI1 input)
ref 1 B channel is AI1

1.9 Communication Menu:

Turn off force to local and reference if assigned.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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