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How to add two or more connection in 3rd DTM “Kuebler_F58_MT”?
  1. Issue
Our customer is using M580 (BMEP582040, UnityProV13.0) and 3rd party encoder Kuebler_F58_MT.
When setting up Encoder communication in Unity Pro, he faced the following problems.
If you add one connection as shown in the attached picture, 'Add Connection' is disabled.

  1. Product Line
Control Expert V14.0
  1. Environment
Control Expert V14.0, Win10 64Bit SP1
  1. Resolution
Generic EDS DTM was developed by third party company and it was handed over to =S=, Generic EDS DTM allows addition of only one connection for vendor EDS. In case, more connections need to be supported then the impact analysis on the existing generic DTMs should be performed.
There is a workaround which will allow to configure multiple connections: Add the following keyword under the [Device] section of EDS file, it will enable the multiple connections addition.
243_AdvanceGeneric = 1;

And then remove the previous EDS file in Unity Pro, add the new one. Now it’s available to add more connection.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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