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Which access point wifi or 4G router can be recommended to work with Harmony STM6BOX (Gateway Box Model)?

The goal is this FAQ is to propose some recommended architectures using access point wifi / 4G to connect to Web Viewer

This article is applicable for HMIST6xx, HMISTM6B, HMISTM6BOX + EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert

Architecture 1: HMIST6/HMISTM6, HMISTM6BOX + Wifer TCSEGWB131W
Architecture STM +wifi
Architecture 2: HMIST6/HMISTM6, HMISTM6BOX + Router Wifi Teltonika RUT240
Architecture STM +wifi

Architecture 3: HMIST6/HMISTM6, HMISTM6BOX + Router 4GTeltonika RUT240 through EcoStruxure Secure Connect Advisor

secure connect

Schneider Electric Belgium

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