- When an M340 or BMXPRA PLC is in a "NOCONF" state and upon connecting via FTP or USB on EADM: --> the "Mode" section in Device List only shows "NOCONF" for a few seconds and then displays "STOP".
- On Unity Loader, when M340 or PRA PLCs are NOCONF, the NOCONF state is displayed properly and does not get replaced by STOP after a few seconds.
- On EADM, when an M580 PLC is NOCONF, the NOCONF state is displayed properly and does not get replaced by STOP after a few seconds.
- The same behavior was observed on BMXPRA0100 (FW V3.51IR07) modules and on multiple FW versions of P34 2020:
- V3.30IR10
- V3.40IR08
- V3.50IR08
- V3.51IR07
This issue is planned to be fixed in EADM V3.3, Q2 2024.
Publié pour:Schneider Electric Belgium