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Start-up Service for Aquaflair Chillers

The Start-up Service for Aquaflair Chillers is a key part of a complete deployment of cooling equipment in data centers, server rooms and wiring closets.This service provides the qualified Schneider Electric Services personnel needed to verify installation of the equipment, per Schneider Electric Services installation documentation to energize and check the functionality of the Aquaflair Chiller product. This service helps assure the Customer that the cooling solution has been started up according to manufacturer’s standards and specifications.

Fecha: 12 octubre 2021 | Tipo: Statement of Work
Idiomas: Inglés | Versión: 2.0
Referencia del documento: SPD_SSAO-9GJSRR_EN


Nombre del archivo
_SSAO-9GJSRR--Start-up Service for Aquaflair Chiller.pdf

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