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Bienvenido al sitio web para Costa Rica de Schneider Electric

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Schneider Electric’s control network interface (CNI) is an industrialized, high-availability, embedded method for interconnecting multiple EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS to provide greater operational efficiency and effectiveness. The CNI can also partition an EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS into independent but linked, stand-alone systems to protect operational integrity.


  • Ability to upgrade selected areas without impacting entire system
  • Ability to isolate sections for reduced risk of cybersecurity vulnerability
  • Ability to efficiently adapt operations and achieve compliance
  • Fast, accurate view of production data across the plant
  • Better, more informed decision-making to optimize plant production
  • Easy sharing of operational data across geographically dispersed systems for maximized efficiency


  • Operate multiple EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS “as one system”
  • Minimize system maintenance and engineering efforts
  • Expand and adapt with minimum impact on operations
  • Provide greater situational awareness and faster response times
  • Protect business-sensitive data to retain competitive advantage
  • Isolate operations to reduce risk of downtime


  • Refining and petrochemicals
  • Upstream and midstream oil and gas
  • Chemicals and specialty chemicals
  • Power generation
  • Metals, mining and minerals
  • Water and wastewater
  • Food and beverage
  • Life sciences and pharmaceuticals

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