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Struxureware Power Monitoring 7.0.1 - Why do the PM5350, PM3200, Em3100/3200 and EM7000 devices show negative values in the energy accumulators?

Devices show negative values in the energy accumulators

Product Line
PM5350, PM3200, EM3100/3200, EM7000

PME 7.0.1

When the values contained in the energy accumulator get large - in the range of GWh/GVAh/GVARh), there is a problem with the PM3200, PM5350, EM3100/3200 and EM7000 drivers where it does not interpret the value correctly. Instead of the correct value, a large negative number is displayed. Note that the value displays correctly on the front panel of the device, or when read via a third party modbus master. The problem is not with the device itself, but rather with the driver.

The S64-87-21 format used by the energy values was not interpreted correctly by the driver and displayed incorrect negative values. This has been fixed in the drivers and updated drivers have been posted on the Schneider-electric website.

For existing installations, the driver dll will need to be replaced. See attached zip files for hotfixes with instructions for all the affected drivers.

This problem affects the following drivers:

EM7000 Series SE

iEM3100_3200 Series SE

PM3200 Series SE

PM5350 SE

EM7000 Series SPM 7.0.1 Negative Energy patch.zipEM7000 Series SPM 7.0.1 Negative Energy patch.zipiEM3100_3200 Series Negative Energy patch.zipiEM3100_3200 Series Negative Energy patch.zip

PM3200 Series SPM 7.0.1 Negative Energy patch.zipPM3200 Series SPM 7.0.1 Negative Energy patch.zipPM5350 SPM 7.0.1 Negative Energy patch.zipPM5350 SPM 7.0.1 Negative Energy patch.zip

Schneider Electric Česká republika

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