This FAQ has been written for NEAL (North East Africa and Levant) region. If you are looking for information for another region, please select the correct country from the top-left dropdown in the page and 'Navigate to Browse FAQs' in the Support menu.
The following method would allow you to embed a web browser to a graphic page to view the desired web page.
IEnavigate ( STRING sANnumber , STRING sURL ) ; //Enter AN number and website on button eg IEnavigate
("AN207", " ")
OBJECT oBrowser = ObjectByName ( sANnumber ) ; //Gets the handle of the Active X object and put
it into a cicode variable called oBrowser
_ObjectCallMethod ( oBrowser , "navigate" , sURL ) ; //Using "navigate" parameters put the URL
specified in the button into sURL
END1. Add the “Microsoft Web Browser” Active X to the page. In the LocationURL properties add sURL to the Associate property box
2. In run time press button to show the webpage.