Thanks to consult us on a case by case basis. RM6 is designed to accept any DIN cut-out MV fuses provided that their electrical characteristics (rating, cold resistance, thermal dissipation, time-current curves...) are in compliance with RM6 fuse-switch combination performance.
Maximum power that can be dissipated by fuse is 80W (with 40°C maximum ambient temperature)
Transition current for RM6 is :
-*- 1750A at 12kV
-*- 1550A at 17.5kV
-*- 1050A at 24kV
Breaking time of RM6 fuse-switch combination is 60mSec.
It should be borne in mind that 2 DIN fuses made by different manufacturers and with same nominal current rating can have totally different electrical characteristics : cold resistance, time-current time, striker-pin power,...
Basically, we only guarantee correct operation of RM6 combined with Fusarc CF.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL165858 V1.0, Originally authored by on , Last Edited by on
Related ranges: SM6-36
Released for:Schneider Electric Egypt and North East Africa