How to record a timestamp to a variable when a button is pressed?
Product Line:
Vijeo Designer (all versions)
To record the date and time when a button is pressed, you will need to create a script in that button that copies the system variables _Hours, _Minutes, _Seconds, _Year2, _Month, _Day to a string variable for time and a string variable for date.
Please see the example script below:
//Script Created: Jan 25, 2016
// Description:
// Replace this line with your script
String YearYY = _Year2.getStringValue();
String MonthMM = _Month.getStringValue();
String DayDD = _Day.getStringValue();
if(_Month.getIntValue() < 10)
MonthMM = "0" + _Month.getStringValue();
if(_Day.getIntValue() < 10)
DayDD = "0" + _Day.getStringValue();
DateString.write(YearYY + "/" + MonthMM + "/" + DayDD);
String HoursHH = _Hour.getStringValue();
String MinutesMM = _Minutes.getStringValue();
String SecondsSS = _Seconds.getStringValue();
if(_Seconds.getIntValue() < 10)
SecondsSS = "0" + _Seconds.getStringValue();
if(_Hour.getIntValue() > 11)
temp.write(_Hour.getIntValue() - 12);
HoursHH = temp.getStringValue();
TimeString.write(HoursHH + ":" + MinutesMM + ":" + SecondsSS + " pm");
TimeString.write(HoursHH + ":" + MinutesMM + ":" + SecondsSS + " am");
How to record a timestamp to a variable when a button is pressed?
Product Line:
Vijeo Designer (all versions)
To record the date and time when a button is pressed, you will need to create a script in that button that copies the system variables _Hours, _Minutes, _Seconds, _Year2, _Month, _Day to a string variable for time and a string variable for date.
Please see the example script below:
//Script Created: Jan 25, 2016
// Description:
// Replace this line with your script
String YearYY = _Year2.getStringValue();
String MonthMM = _Month.getStringValue();
String DayDD = _Day.getStringValue();
if(_Month.getIntValue() < 10)
MonthMM = "0" + _Month.getStringValue();
if(_Day.getIntValue() < 10)
DayDD = "0" + _Day.getStringValue();
DateString.write(YearYY + "/" + MonthMM + "/" + DayDD);
String HoursHH = _Hour.getStringValue();
String MinutesMM = _Minutes.getStringValue();
String SecondsSS = _Seconds.getStringValue();
if(_Seconds.getIntValue() < 10)
SecondsSS = "0" + _Seconds.getStringValue();
if(_Hour.getIntValue() > 11)
temp.write(_Hour.getIntValue() - 12);
HoursHH = temp.getStringValue();
TimeString.write(HoursHH + ":" + MinutesMM + ":" + SecondsSS + " pm");
TimeString.write(HoursHH + ":" + MinutesMM + ":" + SecondsSS + " am");
Released for:Schneider Electric Egypt and North East Africa