Setting up Security Configuration for SCADAPack RTU is a challenging process, which requires good level of understanding of the security basics and also right usage of different components.
Product Line
Windows OSes, E Configurator, Remote Command Line, Telent
This resolution provides detailed summary of the security setup combinations, required licenses, master keys and specific firmware for the AGA12 security.
SCADAPack E RTU's have two different mechanisms to provide security measures:
- secure authentication mechanism (SAv2 or Secure Authentication version 2, based on IEC 62351-5
- AGA12 encryption.
Before starting the configuration ensure that Security Options are licensed:
The same information could be obtained in the Remote Command Line by using status command.
Depending on the required secure measures (SAv2 or AGA12, or combination of both) licenses for RTU and Security Administrator can be ordered.
After the obtaining a suitable license and firmware (if needed) security configuration and master key should be generated.
State of the master key could be checked via status command in Remote Command Line or Telnet:
After the master key transfer Security Configuration can be loaded and checked in Remote Command Line: