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How do I start-up/turn on BE900G3 and BE1050G3?
How do I start-up/turn on BE900G3 and BE1050G3?

Product Line:
BE900GE and BE1050GE

All Serial Numbers

Steps / Procedures:

1. Connect the internal battery (
The Back UPS is shipped with one battery cable disconnected).

Follow the series of steps stated below:

Connect battery first.JPG

2. And when the battery is connected successfully, plug it into the Utility or AC main source.

3. Press the POWER button. It will illuminate green and a single short beep indicates that the Back-UPS is on and helping to provide protection for connected equipment.

Additional inputs:

* Self Test only occur upon start up.
* Intentional manual self test is not applicable for this particular product.
* Battery replacement for Back-UPS BE900G3 is RBC17 and BE1050G3 is APCRBC164.

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