Need assistance understanding the config.ini syntax relating to the [EventActionConfig] or [DeviceControlPolicyConfig] sections.
Product Line
- Network Management Card 1 (NMC1) - AP9617, AP9618, AP9619
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 1 include (but are not limited to): Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP78XX, AP79XX), Rack Automatic Transfer Switches (AP77XX, Environmental Monitoring Units (AP9320, AP9340, Netbotz 200)
- Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) - AP9630/AP9630CH, AP9631/AP9631CH, AP9635/AP9635CH
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 2 include (but are not limited to): 2G Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP84XX, AP86XX, AP88XX, AP89XX) manufactured prior to certain dates in 2023, Certain Audio/Video Network Management Enabled products.
- Network Management Card 3 (NMC3) - AP9640, AP9641, AP9643
Devices with an embedded Network Management Card 3 include (but are not limited to): Metered/Switched Rack PDUs (AP84XX, AP86XX, AP88XX, AP89XX), APDU9XXX, Automatic Transfer Switches (AP44XXA)
- All serial numbers
- Users working with config.ini and event notifications/device control policy
The syntax is provided for general information and understanding of the config.ini sections noted.
Refer to the attached PDF supplement.
Released for:Schneider Electric Hong Kong