The %MW register address limited to 3999 in Binary Input setting web page for the NOR
Product Line
Windows 10
A pop-up message windows in the 'Binary Input' window for the DNP3 data mapping shows that the '%MW' register
address can only be a maximum value of 3999.

Attempts to enter a register address value greater than the limit is not allowed.
The reason for the issue is due to the limitation of the %MW register to be dynamically linked to the size value that
is defined for the 'Memory Management' of the CPU within the Unity application. To resolve the issue, increase the
size of the '%MW' address field in the 'Memory Management' section of the CPU configuration settting window.

The %MW register address limited to 3999 in Binary Input setting web page for the NOR
Product Line
Windows 10
A pop-up message windows in the 'Binary Input' window for the DNP3 data mapping shows that the '%MW' register
address can only be a maximum value of 3999.
Attempts to enter a register address value greater than the limit is not allowed.
The reason for the issue is due to the limitation of the %MW register to be dynamically linked to the size value that
is defined for the 'Memory Management' of the CPU within the Unity application. To resolve the issue, increase the
size of the '%MW' address field in the 'Memory Management' section of the CPU configuration settting window.
Released for:Schneider Electric Indonesia