MiCOM P63x
Differential Protection Devices for Complete Protection of Electrical Power Transformers MiCOM P63x series differential protection devices are designed for fast, selective, short-circuit protection of transformers, motors, generators and other installations. Models available: MiCOM P630C, MiCOM P631, MiCOM P632, MiCOM P633, MiCOM P634Part of PowerLogic™View Details MiCOM P43x
Distance Protection and Control Relays MiCOM P43x distance protection and One-Box devices are used for selective short circuit, ground fault and overload protection in all kinds of medium, high and extra-high voltage systems. Models available: MiCOM P430C, MiCOM P433, MiCOM P435, MiCOM P437, MiCOM P439Part of PowerLogic™View Details MiCOM P53x
Line Differential Protection Relay MiCOM P53x range provides a two ended line differential protection function with all of the necessary protection communication interfaces. Models available: MiCOM P530C, MiCOM P532Part of PowerLogic™View Details MiCOM P138
Directional Overcurrent Protection Relays for Rail Applications The MiCOM Px30 rail devices are a series of protection relays dedicated to railway catenary protection. The MiCOM P138 specifically provides directional overcurrent protection for rail applicationsPart of PowerLogic™View Details MiCOM P436 and MiCOM P438
Distance Protection Devices for Rail Catenary MiCOM Px30 rail devices are a series of protection relays dedicated to railway catenary protection. The MiCOM P436 provides catenary protection for classic and two-phase AT feeders.Part of PowerLogic™View Details MiCOM P638
Differential Protection Devices for Rail Catenary Protection MiCOM Px30 rail devices are a series of protection relays dedicated to railway catenary protection. The MiCOM P638 provides transformer differential protectionPart of PowerLogic™View Details