Spacial S3HF
Steel wall-mounting enclosures with reinforced electromagnetic compatibility -View Products Human machine interface
Human-Machine dialogue enclosures The Control and Human-Machine Dialogue enclosures offer, ideal for all your interfacesPart of SeT SeriesView Products PanelSeT for demanding environments
Spacial SF Seismic enclosures Enclosures designed for projects being carried out in areas of seismic activity, performs up to UBC (Uniform Building Code) zone 4Part of SeT SeriesView Products PanelSeT for IT network and server cabinets
19" steel rack IP55 Floor-standing and wall-mounted enclosures for 19” rack-based data and network equipmentPart of SeT SeriesView Products PanelSeT S3DEX
Wall-mounting steel-made enclosures, dedicated to potentially explosive atmospheres.(formerly : PanelSet S3DEX) Steel, s-steel & polyester ATEX enclosuresPart of SeT SeriesView Products