Please follow the procedure to check the connectivity. • Verify that HTTP or HTTPS access is enabled.
•Make sure you are specifying the correct URL — one that is consistent
with the security system used by the Rack PDU. SSL requires https, not
http, at the beginning of the URL.
• Verify that you can ping the Rack PDU.
• Verify that you are using a Web browser supported for the Rack PDU.
See “Supported Web Browsers” on page 85.
• If the Rack PDU has just restarted and SSL security is being set up, the
Rack PDU may be generating a server certificate. The Rack PDU can
take up to one minute to create this certificate, and the SSL server is not
available during that time.
•Make sure you are specifying the correct URL — one that is consistent
with the security system used by the Rack PDU. SSL requires https, not
http, at the beginning of the URL.
• Verify that you can ping the Rack PDU.
• Verify that you are using a Web browser supported for the Rack PDU.
See “Supported Web Browsers” on page 85.
• If the Rack PDU has just restarted and SSL security is being set up, the
Rack PDU may be generating a server certificate. The Rack PDU can
take up to one minute to create this certificate, and the SSL server is not
available during that time.