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슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아 웹사이트에 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.

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FAQ 검색
Anti-Virus Recommendation for PME2020 / PME9 / PME8 / PME7 / SPM7 /ION Enterprise

Anti-Virus Recommendation for PME Systems

Product Line
Power Monitoring Expert 2023
Power Monitoring Expert 2022
Power Monitoring Expert 2021
Power Monitoring Expert 2020
Power Monitoring Expert 9
Power Monitoring Expert 8.x
Power Monitoring Expert 7.2.x
Struxureware Power Monitoring 7.0.x
ION Enterprise 6.0.x

An official anti-virus recommendation is requested by IT

We have no official recommendation for Anti-Virus Software for ION Enterprise, Struxureware Power
Monitoring, or Power Monitoring Expert software packages.
The SPM7 user guide does offer recommendations if an Anti-Virus software is deemed necessary.

PME can be used with antivirus (AV) software.

PME can be used with application whitelisting software products such as McAfee Application Control software.

NOTE: AV software can have a significant impact on system performance if not set up correctly. In particular, SQL Server performance can be affected if data and log files are not excluded from on-access scans.

"Running anti-virus software on your SQL Server
We recommend that you run anti-virus software on your SQL server.
It is recommended that you assess the software security requirements of your organization and specifically the potential risks to your SQL Server installation. If you determine that you need to run anti-virus software on your SQL Server as a result of your assessment, follow the recommendations described in the Microsoft Support article (ID: 309422) at:

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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