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FAQ 검색
Does the Run Time Indicator (RTH parameter) in the ATV61 / ATV71 series drives continue to increment when the drive is in sleep / Low speed timeout mode?
The run Time Indicator (RTH parameter) in the ATV61/71 series drives action in sleep / Low speed timeout mode

Product Line:
Altivar 61 and Altivar 71 series drives.

Units with or without PID enabled in which the Low-Speed Timeout function (TLS) is utilized.

Clarification of the function is needed.

The elapsed run time counter does continue to increment when the Low-Speed Time Out function has been activated.  Even though the motor is not turning, the drive is considered to be in a run mode and the elapsed run time counter continues to run.  In order to stop the run time indicator from counting, the run command will need to be removed from the drive.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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