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FAQ 검색
Which is the correct variable for MV presence which co-relates to pin no. 8 of Mate N-Lok 9 pin connector in T200S ?

1.1 - Question

Which is the correct variable for MV presence which co-relates to pin no. 8 of Mate N-Lok 9 pin connector in T200S ?

1.2 - Application

This FAQ is applicable when it is required to identify correct variable for a digital input for MV presence.

1.3 - Answer

The variable Aux._MV_Presence_x (TSS54 for switch-1 and TSS85 for switch-2) co-relates to pin no. 8 of Mate N-Lok 9 pin connector in T200S. These two are the only variable for voltage presence/absence, which will be used by Automatism function for switch-1 (TSS54) and switch-2(TSS85) in T200S.

The variable MV_Presence_x (TSS73 and TSS105) are for T200P, where it will be derived from Voltage measurements.

1.4 - Performance

The automatism function will work perfectly fine when Aux._MV_Presence. This digital input is used to detect voltage presence or absence for respective switch.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일
FAQ_T200S_MV_Presence.pdf [117.94 KB]