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FAQ 검색
is the operator screen m580 hsby operator screen v11.xcr in extra directory usable?
In unity Pro V11.1 the default name of the DDDT of modules has been changed including the topology of the module.
The DDDT of the CPU 580-4 ETH HSBY remote and distributed IO is now named PLC0_d0_r0_s0_EH584040 instead of ECPU_HSBY_1.

To have the possiblity to use the operator screen m580 hsby operator screen v11.xcr  located in the Extra directory, the DDDT of the CPU must be renamed: ECPU_HSBY_1 in the Device DDT tab of the configuration screen of the CPU.

In Unity Pro V12 and upper, the name of this rack will be renamed like before ECPU_HSBY_1.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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