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FAQ 검색
PME 8.2 - System Log Error "Unknown format1: DateTime_NSX3_LOCAL"
There is an error in the Management Console System Log: "Unknown format1: DateTime_NSX3_LOCAL".

Product Line
Power Monitoring Expert (PME) 8.2

System Log Events

There were changes made in the modbus-schema.xml file from PME 7.2.2 to 8.2 that affects some of the time formats used by the Compact NSX breakers.

*Warning: Take backups of any files prior to modifying them. Ensure the backups are in a location that will not be overwritten (i.e. the Desktop).​*

The modbus-schema.xml file will need to be replaced
1) Make a backup of the original modbus-schema.xml which is located in the 'Power Monitoring Expert\config\translators' and 'Power Monitoring Expert\system\translators' folders.
2) Replace the file with the one attached.
3) Restart the ION Site Server Service and ION Loginserter Service

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일
modbus-schema.xml [13.1 KB]
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