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FAQ 검색
Why the M221 PLC is not automatically booting at the end of the clone operation from SDcard?

Article available in these languages: 일본어

A script (file script.cmd) can been created with SoMachineBasic ( commissioning, -MemoryManagement ) to create a SD card image within the application ( and or without the firmware)
Then the script.cmd file have such below content (In case both firmware and application is selected)
Delete "/usr/cfg"
Delete "/usr/app"
Delete "/sys/os"
Download "/sys/os"
Download "/usr/app"
Download "/usr/cfg"

When inserting a SDCard into a M221 which those above script file, at the end of the application download, the script included a command “Reboot” to make the PLC booting and start with this new application. The M221 PLC behavior would depend the boot version it have (boot is included during manufacturing process, and not updated during a firmware update)

-If the PLC was manufactured with Boot version (we can read within %SW13) < 28 then the PLC will manage this command , and then reboot , and then  Start with this new downloaded application

-If the PLC was manufactured with a more recent boot version >=28 , then the PLC reject the command “Reboot”, with the report into the script.log reporting fil “Reboot - Invalid Command
and it’s only removing the SDcard from the PLC, which will make the M221 automatically reboot

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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