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FAQ 검색
How can the ATV630 and ATV930 drives be set up for PID auto manual with an HOA switch?
ATV630 and ATV930 drives PID setup for auto manual with an HOA switch.

Product Line:
Altivar ATV630 and ATV930


Hand= manual control, Auto= PID control with POT as PID setpoint

Program the drive as follows:
[Complete settings] [Pump functions] [PID controller] [Reference frequency]
If Internal PID ref is NO then drive will look at FR1 for the PID setpoint.
FR1 = AI1 speed POT

Auto manual Assignment  PAU choose Digital input example DI3
Manual reference assignment is AI1 speed POT

In Hand: DI3 PAU is going to be high then speed ref is AI1 speed pot.
In Auto: DI3 PAU is going to be Low, speed ref is PID feedback and PID set point is AI1 speed pot.

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