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FAQ 검색
How to disable Telnet port in ION meters from ION setup?

The customer would like to know if the Telnet port can be blocked for security reasons.

Product line
PM8000, ION8600, ION8650, ION9000

ION Setup

Additional security might be required.

Note: This is not applicable to ION73XX, ION75XX, and ION76XX.

  1. Highlight the meter hold control and left click on the meter to enter The Advanced ION Setup.
  2. Navigate to comm modules, and double click on Ethernet.
  3. In the Setup registers, highlight Enable Telnet, click on edit and select NO from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on OK and then Send.

Example in PM8000
Security Options ION Setup

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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