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FAQ 검색
SEPAM Trip Curves: Type 1 versus Type 1.2
User would like to understand the different tripping characteristics between Type 1 and Type 1.2 trip curves on the SEPAM relays

Product Line
SEPAM series 20
SEPAM series 40
SEPAM series 80


There are two types of curves that can be selected for a SEPAM relay. These curve types are Type 1 and Type 1.2. The curve descriptions and curve type are outlined in the table below.
Type table

The tripping behavior of Type 1 curves can be found here . There are calculators available at this FA for SEPAM and MiCOM trip curves. Type 1 trip curves pick up when the measured current equals the threshold current setting on the relay (I = Is).

Type 1.2 trip curves pick up when the measured current equals the threshold current setting of the relay multiplied by 1.2 (I = 1.2*Is). Aside from the pickup, the Type 1.2 curve follows the same tripping characteristics as a Type 1 IEC curve.

Please refer to image below for a comparison of Type 1 and Type 1.2 tripping characteristics.
IDMT Curve

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea