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FAQ 검색
How many oscillograph captures of a failure can be stored on a Sepam 80?
User wishes to know how many oscillograph captures of a failure can be stored on a Sepam 80

Product Line
Sepam series 80


To get the number of oscillograph captures that can be stored in the cartridge, you have to divide the available memory recording capacity, in seconds, by the desired length of each oscillograph capture.
MMS020 standard memory cartridge
Total duration of a recording: 1 s to 20 s

Maximum recording capacity
  • 22 s at 50 Hz, 12 samples per period
  • 7 s at 50 Hz, 36 samples per period
  • 18 s at 60 Hz, 12 samples per period
  • 6 s at 60 Hz, 36 samples per period
Where the bracket notation
xrepresents rounding down to the nearest integer
For a 1 second oscillograph capture length at 60 Hz and 12 samples per period with MMS020 standard memory cartridge: (18 s) / (1 s) = 18 = 18 captures
For a 5 second oscillograph capture length at 60 Hz and 12 samples per period with MMS020 standard memory cartridge:
(18 s) / (5 s) = 3.6 = 3 captures
For a 15 second oscillograph capture length at 60 Hz and 12 samples per period with MMS020 standard memory cartridge: (18 s) / (15 s) = 1.2 = 1 capture

MMR020 extended memory cartridge
Total duration of a recording: 1 s to 32 s

Maximum recording capacity
  • 1 s to 32 s if using an extended cartridge
  • 35 s at 50 Hz, 12 samples per period
  • 11 s at 50 Hz, 36 samples per period
  • 28 s at 60 Hz, 12 samples per period
  • 9 s at 60 Hz, 36 samples per period
Where the bracket notation
xrepresents rounding down to the nearest integer
For a 1 second oscillograph capture length at 60 Hz and 12 samples per period with MMR020 extended memory cartridge: (28 s) / (1 s) = 28 = 28 captures
For a 5 second oscillograph capture length at 60 Hz and 12 samples per period with MMS020 extended memory cartridge:
(28 s) / (5 s) = 5.6 = 3 captures
For a 15 second oscillograph capture length at 60 Hz and 12 samples per period with MMS020 extended memory cartridge: (28 s) / (15 s) = 1.56 = 1 capture

For information on how many event messages of failure can be stored on the Sepam 80, please refer to Sepam 80 event numbers: (1) How many events of failure can be stored? (2) How many oscilograph waves of a failure can be stored?

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea