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FAQ 검색
EcoStruxure Machine Expert - How do I show symbol comments in my POU logic?
How do I show comments associated to symbols that are defined in my declarations in EcoStruxure Machine Expert or SoMachine?

Product Line
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, SoMachine
PLC Programming Software for Windows

Configuration Software -> POU Editing

To show symbol declaration comments in your code,
1) In the Logic Builder, go to the menu bar and click on Tools -> Options…
2) When the Options dialog appears, scroll down and select "FBD, LD and IL editor" in the left pane
3) In the General tab, put a tick in  the checkbox labeled "Show symbol comment"
4) Click OK at the bottom left of the dialog.

Here is an example of the resulting comments showing directly above the Symbols in the code (FBD in this example):

Note: This setting only applies to POUs written in Function Block Diagram (FBD), Ladder (LD) and Instruction List (IL) languages

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