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FAQ 검색
What is the default IP address on the M251/M241 controllers?
Dependending on the firmware, default IP addresses are:

To Machine Expert v1.1:
M241 Embedded Ethernet: 10.10.x.x
M241 TM4ES4: 11.11.x.x
M251 Eth1: 11.11.x.x
M251 Eth2: 10.10.x.x

From Machine Expert v1.2:
M241 Embedded Ethernet: 10.10.x.x
M241 TM4ES4: 10.11.x.x
M251 Eth1: 10.11.x.x
M251 Eth2: 10.10.x.x

The last 2 fields in the default IP address are composed of the decimal equivalent of the last 2 hexadecimal bytes of the MAC address of the port.
The MAC address of the port can be retrieved on the label placed on the front side of the controller.
The default subnet mask is Default Class A Subnet Mask of

NOTE: A MAC address is always written in hexadecimal format and an IP address in decimal format. Convert the MAC address to decimal format.
Example: If the MAC address is 00.80.F4.01.80.F2, the default IP address is x.x.128.242.

NOTE: To take into account the new IP address after the download of a project, reboot the controller by doing a power cycle.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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