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FAQ 검색
Why I can not import csv file with Ecostruxure Operator Terminal Expert V3.2 ?
This is existing behavior of BT import and his specification.
As per selected target it can accommodate max 32K variables. In the project already 21K symbol variables are present, and in the file also 21K normal variables are present.
So BT will consider :
21K (existing symbol variables) +21K (normal variables in file) = 42K.
42K > 32K (VariableApplicationLimit), and hence maximum limit error dialogue is shown.

And please be aware that symbol variables can be imported  only through symbol link. If you export symbol variables and tries to import, it treats as normal variables.

If you want to modify only normal variables  (other than symbol one), work around is below
  • before you export CSV file, delete all Symbol file and export it,
  • Import the updated CSV file
  • then import Symbol file again

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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