TS_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAGS for the BMXERT1604T is reporting an 137 error.
Product Line
Unity, OFS
Displaying the TS_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAGS in bits. 137(binary 10001001 ) shows that the buffer is being reported as full.
This works as designed and it is not a defect in the BMXERT1604T
The following conditions can cause the buffer to be reported as full.
TS_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAGS for the BMXERT1604T is reporting an 137 error.
Product Line
Unity, OFS
Displaying the TS_DIAGNOSTIC_FLAGS in bits. 137(binary 10001001 ) shows that the buffer is being reported as full.
This works as designed and it is not a defect in the BMXERT1604T
The following conditions can cause the buffer to be reported as full.
- If the OPC server is not able to read the 'BMXERT1604T' event in time, the buffer will be reported as full.
- If the OPC server or EFB read ERT event is slower than the ERT event generated . the group number which store the events in the ERT will exceed 255,
Опубликовано для:Schneider Electric Казахстан