How to convert a S908 RIO drop to M580 ERIO using UMAC?
Product Line
UMAC, Quantum, M580
UMAC 2.2, Unity Pro v12.0
The UMAC (Unity M580 Application Converter) v2.2 can now retain S908 drops in 2 different ways:

P.S.: You can change the drop number, later oppening your project converted on Unity Pro.
How to convert a S908 RIO drop to M580 ERIO using UMAC?
Product Line
UMAC, Quantum, M580
UMAC 2.2, Unity Pro v12.0
The UMAC (Unity M580 Application Converter) v2.2 can now retain S908 drops in 2 different ways:
- Retain the drop as a new S908 drop with a 140CRP93908 module
- Directly convert the S908 drop into a ERIO drop
- Select what do you want to convert to an M580 Project
- Open the source application: Select the project to analyze and convert
- Click on "Select drop(s)" and choose the drops that you want to converto to ERIO
- Start the conversion
- After the end of conversion, click on "Generate Report" and "view" to check source drop number (in the S908 RIO Configuration) and the destination drop number (in the EIO configuration).
P.S.: You can change the drop number, later oppening your project converted on Unity Pro.
Опубликовано для:Schneider Electric Казахстан