Customer asked how to diagnose the eth link status of BMXNOR0200 in application as CH_ERROR bit inside T_COM_ETH_BMX is not realized in BMXNOR0200.2.Environment
DNP3 eth/IEC 104DNP3 serial/IEC 101
If NOR eth port is used for DNP3 eth/ IEC104 communication, you could rely on Connection Status value to evaluate the eth link status. i.e. When eth link is off, this value should be 0If NOR eth port is not used for RTU communication(for ins. DNP3 serial/IEC101), there needs a tricky way to diagnose the eth port of NOR as CH_ERROR bit inside T_COM_ETH_BMX is not realized in BMXNOR0200.
Instead, we could utilize the Read_Var EFB to realize the self port diagnostic.
As illustrated in the snapshots below:
Timeout is set at 20*100ms=2s in Mgmt1[3]
Target address is set at NOR address as through ADDM
In case that the eth link is active at NOR, each Read_Var request(by rise of t_en1) will end with successful explicit message transaction. ( Activity bit(Mgmt1[1].0) turns to 0 immediately without error(Mgmt1[2]=0) )
In case that the eth link is off at NOR, each Read_Var request(by rise of t_en1) will end with lasting request of explicit message (Activity bit(Mgmt1[1].0) remains 1) until timeout(Mgmt1[3]) , after which the Activity bit will turn to 0 with error code equals to 1(Mgmt1[2]=1)
So in this circumstance, customer could rely on Mgmt1[2] value to detect the eth link off at NOR module.
Опубликовано для:Schneider Electric Казахстан