Using of min. SQL Server 2012 is necessary - correct option for transitioning of legacy I/net database.
There are two approaches how transitioning environment should be prepared, with a couple of options for how to transition an existing INET system to Security Expert:
For a single PC with both INET and Security Expert installed:
Note: These instructions assume the INET PC is running 64-bit SQL Server 2008 R2 and 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility.
- Install and configure a new instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 on the PC. Use the attached file named SQL2008 R2 Expr Install.pdf for installation/configuration instructions (the document was written for SQL 2008R2 but is also valid for SQL 2012). Note: INETFile Equalization is not possible with SQL Server versions 2012 or later.
- Run DbCreate and perform the following steps:
- Connect to the previously installed instance of SQL 2008.
- Use the Backup option to create a backup of the INET database. Make sure to remember the location and name of this backup.
- Close DbCreate.
- Run DbCreate again.
- Connect the newly installed instance of SQL 2012.
- Use the Create I/NET SQL database option to create the INET database in this new SQL instance.
- Use the Restore option to restore the SQL 2008 INET backup you created in step b to the new SQL 2012 INET database.
- Close DbCreate.
- Use the INET Database Transition Tool to transition the INET database from the SQL 2012 INET database to Security Expert. When configuring the tool to connect to the INET database, make sure to connect to the new instance of SQL Server 2012.
For a configuration with INET on one PC and Security Expert on another PC (both PCs on the same network):
1. For the INET database, you have three options:
* Install and configure an instance of SQL 2012 on the INET PC and restore a backup of the INET database to this new instance exactly as described in the previous instructions.
– OR –
* Install and configure an new instance of SQL 2012 on the Security Expert PC and restore a backup of the INET database to this new instance.
– OR –
* Restore a backup of the INET database to the same instance of SQL Server that Security Expert is using.
Regardless of the option you choose, you will need to use DbCreate to create the INET database in the SQL instance before you can restore the INET backup.
2. If you chose either of the last two options above, install SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility on this local PC from the attached file named SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi.
3. Copy the INET SAV files from the INET PC to the Security Expert PC.
4. Use the INET Database Transition Tool to transition the INET database on this local PC to Security Expert. When configuring the tool, make sure to connect to the local instance of SQL Server where you copied the INET database. Also make sure to point the transition tool to the proper location of the SAV files that are located on this local PC.
!!! The INET Database Transition Tool does not support SQL Server 2008R2. At a minimum, the SQL version must be at least 2012.
Опубликовано для:Schneider Electric Казахстан