Goals and Symptoms
Additionals informations for the management and the addressing of the profils cams tables in CSY84 and 164.
Causes and Fixes
Informations on the parameters of the adjust mode for a cam profil or corresponding parameters of the TRF_RECIPE for cam profil.
· Address table: (%MW or %KW)
Designate the first address of the cam table. Must be always an even value.
· Length for a transfer M+S (Master and Slave):
The tables M and S must be adjacents. The M table must be always before the S table and it's advised to manipulate the whole tables M and S. Avoid to manipulate for example the master table and a part of the slave table.
For a M+S transfert the value to put in the parameter length :
If N pts = the dots curve number put in the configuration
=> Length = N x 4
The last occupied address is:
Address table + Length - 2
The first next available address is:
Address table + Length
Address table = %MW2000
Length = 19996
The master and then slave tables begin at %MF2000 and finish at %MF21994.
Next available even address = %MW21996.
· Length for a transfer M or E
The M and S tables are not obligatorily contiguous. It isn't mandatory to have the master table before the slave one.
It is possible to handle all or a part of the table. But always start from the first address ( of the master or slave table ).
If N dts = the dots number of the curve declared in configuration
=> Length = N x 2
With 2 <length< ( N x 2 )
If 4999dts we can read or write from 1 to 4999dts => 2 <Length< 9998
The last occupied address is:
Address table + Length - 2
The first next available address is:
Address table + Length
Address table = %MW0
Length = 9998
The master or slave table begin at %MF0 and finish at %MF9996.
Next available even address = %MW9998
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL179776 V1.0, Originally authored by JeCa on 09/18/2006, Last Edited by JeCa on 09/18/2006
Related ranges: Modicon Premium
Released for:Schneider Electric Nigeria