Goals and Symptoms
The ToolsCF.exe does not work with Windows 7.
Facts and Changes
The ToolsCF.exe is not compatible with Windows 7.
Causes and Fixes
R&D has developed a bootable disk image in order to be able to run ToolsCF.exe on a PC with Windows 7. So, if you want to use ToolsCF.exe with Windows 7, you need to burn the ISO file on a CD and then, boot on it.
Here is your access in order to download this ISO file:
1. Go to the FTP site: ftp.fr.schneider-electric.com
2. Username: ToolsCF_Win7
3. Password: ToolsCF_Win7
4. Folder: /ToolsCF_Win7
Note: To download this software use an FTP client like Filezilla or a download manager like Free Download Manager.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL209356 V1.0, Originally authored by JeMa on 10/10/2012, Last Edited by JeMa on 10/10/2012
Related ranges: Magelis Smart
Released for:Schneider Electric Philippines