The Lexium Integrated Drive with model ILS2K853S2042 was an OEM specific model but is now listed as an available product through your local Schneider Electric / SquareD distributors.
Customers looking for ILS2K853S2042 may contact their local Schneider Electric / SquareD distributor to order this model.
Schneider Electric does not offer another version of Lexium Integrated Drive that can be substituted for ILS2K853S2042 because this model has unique design features that would not be included on a different model.
Customers looking for ILS2K853S2042 may contact their local Schneider Electric / SquareD distributor to order this model.
Schneider Electric does not offer another version of Lexium Integrated Drive that can be substituted for ILS2K853S2042 because this model has unique design features that would not be included on a different model.
Released for:Schneider Electric Philippines