Advanced OneLine (AOL) crashes during SCADA runtime. Status lines appear yellow at this time.
Product Line:
PowerScada Expert 8.0
Event Notification Module
Advanced One Line
Many "Alarm Browser is Null" errors are found in ENM diagnostics every minute, filling the PLES_Logging database logs. This growing database causes the AOL to crash.
The "Alarm Browser is Null" errors can be fixed with . Once those errors are no longer coming into the ENM diagnostics page, the user must perform a shrink on the PLES_Logging database to allow the AOL to be restarted.
*Warning: Irreparable database damage can occur. This procedure should only be performed by users familiar with SQL Server Management Studio. Databases should be backed up prior to performing this procedure.*
To shrink the database:
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
2. Expand databases in the Object Explorer
3. Right-click on PLES_Logging and select Tasks>Shrink Database
Once the user shrinks the PLES_Logging database, you can restart the AOL by running the AdvOneLine.exe file within the ES_AdvOneline project folder in the User directory.
Released for:Schneider Electric Philippines