The purpose of this resolution is to inform Advantys STB users of a problem concerning the STBART0200 module when an Ethernet NIM is used to provide system interface for the island.
The STBART0200 module will go into a pre-operational state (RUN LED blinks) after the Ethernet cable is removed from, and then re-inserted into the Ethernet STBNIP2212 NIM. A power cycle of the interconnecting hub or switch will also cause the problem.
Product Line
A firmware update has been created for the STBART0200 which addresses the problem described . Availability of modules containing new firmware is expected to be late April, 2005. Modules with new firmware are marked SV: 01.59, PV: 02 Those containing the new firmware do not require the workaround described below. They will operate properly if the workaround is in use.
If an updated module is not available, a workaround to prevent the problem from occurring is to write data to the island even though there are no output modules installed. If data is continuously written to the island via I/O Scanner, example 40001=1, the ART0200 will become fully operational after the Ethernet connection is restored or power is reapplied to the hub or switch. Alternatively, a power cycle of the island will restore operation.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL168162 V2.0, Originally authored by on , Last Edited by on
Related ranges: Advantys STB
Released for:Schneider Electric Thailand