Goals and Symptoms
What are the CF cards compatible with Smart iPC and XBTGTW?
Causes and Fixes
The following CF cards are supported:
2GB CF card: MPCYN00CF200N
4GB CF card: MPCYN00CF400N
Note that other CF cards which size is less than 2 GB are not supported by the System Monitor of our Smart iPC and XBTGTW.
512MB CF card: MPCYN00CFE00N
1GB CF card: MPCYN00CF100N
The user is warned with a SMART message of the system Monitor like: Hagiwara sys-com cf-diag error
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL209043 V1.0, Originally authored by MaLy on 09/11/2012, Last Edited by MaLy on 09/11/2012
Related ranges: Magelis XBT GTW, Magelis Smart BOX, Compact PC Box & Flex PC BOX, Magelis Smart
Released for:Schneider Electric Thailand