How to read SDO from CANOpen device in MC80? in MC80 CANOpen device page, there is no a "CANOpen" tab like in M340, so how to sending SDO to a CANOpen device?
For MC80, we can use READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR to read/write SDO.
the OBJ pin of READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR should be set to "SDO".
below is a demo code:
OBJ := 'SDO',
NUM := 16#000c2051,(* subindex:index *)
NB := 0,
GEST := Can_SDO_R1.Mange,
RECP => Can_SDO_R1.Data);
How to read SDO from CANOpen device in MC80? in MC80 CANOpen device page, there is no a "CANOpen" tab like in M340, so how to sending SDO to a CANOpen device?
For MC80, we can use READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR to read/write SDO.
the OBJ pin of READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR should be set to "SDO".
below is a demo code:
OBJ := 'SDO',
NUM := 16#000c2051,(* subindex:index *)
NB := 0,
GEST := Can_SDO_R1.Mange,
RECP => Can_SDO_R1.Data);
Released for:Schneider Electric Thailand