This article will show the most simple way to connect Geo SCADA OPC UA Client driver to Geo SCADA OPC UA Server. The idea is to cover the basic and minimum configuration on both Server and Client sides, so the functionality can be tested in an easy way. Most of the times the GSE OPC Client will connect to third party OPC Servers and third party Clients will connect to the Server, but this example might be used to test basic functionality. This example will configure both Client and Server on the same machine.
The installation of the PCS pre-requisites and the OPC UA Server is not covered in this article, please refer to the Installation Guide and the GSE Manual for details. Make sure the GSE Server is licensed to work as an OPC Server (License Details > Limits > OPC Clients).
As a first step, let's check that the GSE OPC UA Server is enabled. At Server Configuration tool > Global Parameters > OPC UA Server & PCS Service:

Note that in this example the "Allow anonymous access" option is enabled.
In case the page above is not visible in your Server Configuration tool, make sure that the "PCS Service & OPC UA Server" feature is installed on this GSE Server:

Now lets create an internal analog point "Analog1" so the OPC UA Client driver can read it:

Let's show "Analog1" on a mimic and set it to its initial value:

Let's create the UPC UA Clients objects (Server, Subscription and Analog Point in this example):

Server Object (named "New Server" in the example):
- Set it to "In Service"
- Set the Server URL to "opc.tcp://localhost:48031" (localhost because we are connecting to the same machine):

- Save the changes so we can browse for the "Endpoint":

In case you can't browse, try restarting the machine to make sure the PCS Services are running (should happen only after a fresh install when the machine was not restarted).
- Select the option ending on "None - None", as we are not using certificates in this example. Also, uncheck the Server Certificate > Verify Certificate option and save the changes:

- Set the "User Authentication" to a GSE user that has permission to read data from the internal analog point:

We may now check that the connection is successfully established by checking the Server object's "View Status" dialog box:

OPC UA Subscription (named "New Subscription" in the example):
- Set in "In Service"
- Add the OPC UA Server and save:

-Save the changes
OPC UA Analog Point (named "New Analog Point" in the example):
- Set it "in Service"
- Browse for the subscription:

- Browse the Node for the OPC property to be read and select the CurrentValue of point Analog1:

- Save the changes
Now we can show the OPC UA Analog point on the mimic. Setting "Analog1" value will make the value of the OPC UA Analog point to change accordingly:

The installation of the PCS pre-requisites and the OPC UA Server is not covered in this article, please refer to the Installation Guide and the GSE Manual for details. Make sure the GSE Server is licensed to work as an OPC Server (License Details > Limits > OPC Clients).
As a first step, let's check that the GSE OPC UA Server is enabled. At Server Configuration tool > Global Parameters > OPC UA Server & PCS Service:
Note that in this example the "Allow anonymous access" option is enabled.
In case the page above is not visible in your Server Configuration tool, make sure that the "PCS Service & OPC UA Server" feature is installed on this GSE Server:
Now lets create an internal analog point "Analog1" so the OPC UA Client driver can read it:
Let's show "Analog1" on a mimic and set it to its initial value:
Let's create the UPC UA Clients objects (Server, Subscription and Analog Point in this example):
Server Object (named "New Server" in the example):
- Set it to "In Service"
- Set the Server URL to "opc.tcp://localhost:48031" (localhost because we are connecting to the same machine):
- Save the changes so we can browse for the "Endpoint":
In case you can't browse, try restarting the machine to make sure the PCS Services are running (should happen only after a fresh install when the machine was not restarted).
- Select the option ending on "None - None", as we are not using certificates in this example. Also, uncheck the Server Certificate > Verify Certificate option and save the changes:
- Set the "User Authentication" to a GSE user that has permission to read data from the internal analog point:
We may now check that the connection is successfully established by checking the Server object's "View Status" dialog box:
OPC UA Subscription (named "New Subscription" in the example):
- Set in "In Service"
- Add the OPC UA Server and save:
-Save the changes
OPC UA Analog Point (named "New Analog Point" in the example):
- Set it "in Service"
- Browse for the subscription:
- Browse the Node for the OPC property to be read and select the CurrentValue of point Analog1:
- Save the changes
Now we can show the OPC UA Analog point on the mimic. Setting "Analog1" value will make the value of the OPC UA Analog point to change accordingly:
Released for:Schneider Electric Thailand