As of PowerLogic SCADA v7.10 r01.2 (Service Release 2), there is no built in functionality to track user logins and logouts. For those wishing to keep a record, this entry presents one possible solution.
For each user in the project, configure the following parameters in the System > Users window.
Entry Command: PLSAlmDspEventAdd(0, 0, 1, "User Login", Name(), "Login", "");
Exit Command: PLSAlmDspEventAdd(0, 0, 1, "User Logout", Name(), "Logout", "");
The screen capture below shows an example of the output of these functions when user "a" logs in or logs out.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL202998 V1.0, Originally authored by AnVa on 07/28/2010, Last Edited by AnVa on 07/28/2010
Related ranges: PowerLogic SCADA 7.1