ZA2VA11 and ZA2VA12 are different due to the electronic decoding.
ZA2VA11 : Decimal + BCD
ZA2VA12 : BCD + Latch
The compatibility between ZA2VA11 and ZA2VA12 depends on the customer's application
- ZA2VA11 can decode BCD or decimal and can show the decimal point (Input 10). The value visualized is updated immediately when the input change (Input 1-2-4-8(BCD) / 1-9 (Decimal))
- ZA2VA12 can decode only BCD and can show the decimal point (Input 10). The value visualized of the input (Input 1-2-4-8(BCD)) is displayed and memorized only when the latch input (Input 6) change from 0 to 1.
- If the latch input stay at "1". If the input (1-2-4-8) change the value displayed do not change.
Title => ZA2VA12 : Harmony, Digital display body, Ø22, BCD + latch, 24 V DC
Title => ZA2VA11 : Harmony, Digital display body, Ø22, BCD + decimal, 24 V DC
Released for:Schneider Electric Australia