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Connecting multiple NBES0301 sensors to a NetBotz appliance causes the sensor to show N/A.

Connecting multiple NBES0301 sensors to a NetBotz appliance causes the sensor to show N/A.

Product Line:

NetBotz version 3 appliances
NBES0301 sensors

Depending on the type of NetBotz appliance, only a certain number of spot leak detectors are supported.


The chart below details the maximum number of spot leak detectors supported for the noted NetBotz appliance.
NetBotz Appliance / Sensor pod Number of Spot Leak Detectors Notes
NBWL0355/NBWL0356 2 Wall appliance which is POE
NBWL0455/NBWL0456 2 Wall appliance which is POE
NBRK0451 2 Rack appliance which is line powered
NBRK0551/NBRK0570 2 Rack appliance which is line powered
NBPD0150/NBPD0155 2 Each additional sensor pod MUST be line powered. Additional sensor pods may be added to support additional spot leak detectors, up to the number of supported sensor pods for the given NetBotz appliance.

So in an example, one NBRK0570 can have 2 spot leak sensors connected directly. An NBRK0570 with 2 Sensor pod NBPD0150s connected can support a total of 6 spot leak sensors, 2 on the unit itself and 2 on each pod.

* Please note that this limitation will simply cause the sensor to not appear on the NetBotz appliance.
* This limitation does not apply to the NetBotz 250, NetBotz 750, or NetBotz 755.

Schneider Electric Belgium

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