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Release Notice

This document describes the content of quality problems and improvement provided by the Service Pack1 for the PL7 V4.5 version and the procedure to upgrade your PL7 PRO V45 installed version .

Goals and Symptoms

This service pack contains the following warnings and updates:
1. Registration and Transfer of User Rights
2. OLE Functions
3. Exporting protected DFBs
4. TSXMFPP001M Memory Card
5. Module TSX PBY 100 with a German version of PL7
6. Connection to an PLC with a version of PL7 Italian or spanish
7. Uninstalling a version of PL7

All the content is detailed in the what'in.doc attached file .

Facts and Changes

If you are a subscriber and have already received PL7 PRO V4.5 , you will receive this service pack on a CD ROM

Causes and Fixes

1 . Before installing read the FLYER .TXT attached document to check your PC and PL7 versions already installed . To install the SP1 you will use the attached zip file , not a CD ROM .

2 . Unzip the PL7PRO45SP1. ZIP file in a separate folder

3 . Go in the PL7V45SP1 folder and launch the install with the setup.exe


(Removed File URL: 171696_8ECE/FLYER.TXT)(Removed Image URL: /PubResEXPORT.nsf/2b87ee90be777fc085257c28006ee4ef/57a9a2d28cd2be5dc1257034004dd6a5/fl_block_5/0.132E?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif) (Removed File URL: 171696_8ECE/what_is_fixed_in_PL7_V45_SP01.doc)(Removed Image URL: /PubResEXPORT.nsf/2b87ee90be777fc085257c28006ee4ef/57a9a2d28cd2be5dc1257034004dd6a5/fl_block_5/0.2E96?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif) (Removed File URL: 171696_8ECE/PL7PRO45SP1.ZIP)(Removed Image URL: /PubResEXPORT.nsf/2b87ee90be777fc085257c28006ee4ef/57a9a2d28cd2be5dc1257034004dd6a5/fl_block_5/0.4CAE?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL171696 V1.0, Originally authored by on , Last Edited by on
Related ranges: PL7

Schneider Electric Belgium

FLYER.TXT.txt [1.76 KB]
what_is_fixed_in_PL7_V45_SP01.doc [30.5 KB]
PL7PRO45SP1.zip [22.88 MB]
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