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What is the Transformer factor on the ION6300?

The Transformer Factor is multiplication of the P1 Ratio (PT Ratio) and the F1 Ratio (CT Ratio). This value is set using the TstBench Software during the 6300 commissioning.

IF CT ratio is 600:5
IF PT ratio is 120:120

CT ratio (F1) = 120
PT ratio (P1)  = 1

Transformer Factor = F1 * P1

in this case = 120 * 1 = 120

In the TstBench software, the Transformer Factor for 120 is decoded as shown below:

Make the Transformer Factor of 120 into 6 digits by adding 0's to the front of the number if necessary (i.e. 000120)

The 2 most significant bits are the 2 least significant bits of the transformer factor in the TstBench software (i.e. 00)

The next 2 digits, 01 will be the next 2 digits of your number (i.e. 0100)

Repeat for the next 2 digits, 20 (i.e. 200100)

Transformer factor in Software = 200100


Transformer Factor of 2452

Transformer factor in Software = 522400


Transformer Factor of 123456

Transformer Factor in Software = 563412

Date Created: December 1, 2009
Last Revised: December 28, 2009
Original Author: LA
All content © 1992-2009 Schneider Electric

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL200825 V1.0, Originally authored by MiNe on 12/29/2009, Last Edited by MiNe on 12/29/2009
Related ranges: ION6300

Schneider Electric Belgium

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