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What is the max Modbus TCP client and server connection number for M258 Ethernet?
For the M258 & LMC058 controller, the Ethernet limitation connections are :

SoMachine Protocol  : Maximum connection number = 4 (1)
Modbus Server connection : Maximum connection = 8
Modbus Client : : Maximum connection = 8
Modbus Device : Maximum connection = 2
Ethernet IP  Device : Maximum connection = 16
FTP Server : Maximum connection = 4
Web Server : Maximum connection = 10

Theses resources are independent between them (no link limitation connections between them)

(1) The maximum number of SoMachine Protocol is 4.
These connections can be :
One connection for the HMI
One for the OPC Server
One for the SoMachine software
One for the Trace object (oscilloscope function)

Schneider Electric Belgium

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